Twelfth European Big Data Management & Analytics Summer School (eBISS 2024)

The Summer School will take place in Università degli Studi di Padova (Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita" - DM), The Department of Mathematics of the University of Padua is named after Tullio Levi-Civita, formerly a student and later a professor at the University of Padua. The department hosts around 120 faculties, 50 PhD students and over 30 post docs, both in Mathematics and in Computer Science, and benefits from the constant presence of several visiting scholars from all over the World.

Dipartimento Matematica Orizzontale Esteso

Department of Mathematics

The Department is one of the largest and most prominent departments in Italy in the areas of Mathematics and Computer Science. It combines in the same community and in the same building researchers who are active at a high level in almost all areas of the two disciplines.


The Department has a long-standing and distinguished research tradition in a wide variety of topics in pure and applied mathematics and computer science..

Institutional sponsors